Contact Details
Contact: Sheila Duffy
(028) 71 359888
61 Culmore Road
Foyle Hospice is a charity located on the banks of the Foyle providing specialist palliative care and end of life care services for people across the northern sector of the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT).
Patient care is provided to people with life limiting illnesses, alongside providing support for their family and carers. Our aim is to offer the best quality of life for our patients and their families, tailoring care to meet their individual needs.
Foyle Hospice provides 10 bed spaces in its In-Patient Care Unit, as well as Day Hospice facilities, Community Nursing, 24/7 Advice Line and bereavement counselling services for both adults (Forget Me Not) and children (Healing Hearts).
All services are provided free of charge to the public.