Contact Details
Contact: Paul Clancy
(02871) 262379
16 Bishop Street
BT48 6PW
The project complements the great work already being done in the region to promote Derry and the North West as a great place to live and do business. It also aligns with Chamber’s own strategy for the future of the region and our mission to help business to be successful here.
We are committed to represent members best interests as the respected voice of business in the NW region. We build and strengthen the business culture through Membership Services, Advocacy and Leadership.
By focusing on key areas such as education and skills, entrepreneurship and the digital economy, tourism, arts & culture – the talented and professional team at the Chamber can positively contribute to the physical, social, regional and economic development in the North West.
Find out more about Chamber membership, events, training and news at www.londonderrychamber.co.uk